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Wicked Problems

Greer Black Company specializes in addressing Wicked Problems. You may have a Wicked Problem if your problem meets the following criteria:

  • The problem is an evolving set of interlocking issues and constraints
  • There is no single definitive statement of the problem
  • You don't understand the problem until you have tried to develop a solution
  • Many stakeholders care about how the problem is resolved, making the problem solving process fundamentally social
  • Getting the "right answer" may be less important than obtaining the stakeholders' acceptance of the emerging solution
  • Solution constraints (e.g. resources and political ramifications) change over time
  • Stakeholder constraints change due to: stakeholder turnover, changed opinions, failure to communicate, or other rule changes by which the problem must be solved
  • Since there is no definitive problem, there is no definitive solution
1 Rittel, H. and M. Webber; "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning" pp 155-169, Policy Sciences, 4, 1973

We address problem dimensions that you may believe are impenetrable or unchangeable, bringing them into the realm of choice, and help you understand the near- and longer-term consequences of opportunities and actions available to you.


Need Help in Solving Complex Problems

Our experts can help you find the solution that not only solves your problems, but helps you reach your company's potential.